Rice Pre Cleaner Machine

The Annapurna Cleaner (AC) is a universal machine that s well suited for Rice Pre Cleaners Machine of many different species of grains & heavy seeds.  It is also ideal for dressing malting barley & milling grain to the highest quality.  It has a very good in luence in India & Abroad also.

Features fo Rice Pre Cleaner Machine:-

  • Top  mounted  Air  extraction  unit  for  best  aspiration.
  • Stepless variable air controls.
  • Easily  changeable  sieves  with  large  surface  area
  • As  the  machine  is  dynamically  balanced  hence there is no vibration.
  • Specially designed rubber balls/beater to check seive perforation clogging.
  • Low noise, low vibration, perfect dust collection & long life.
Rice Pre Cleaner Machine
Rice Pre Cleaner Machine
Rice Pre Cleaner
Technical Data Type : ACUOMAC-1000AC-1200AC-1500AC-1700ASC-1200ASC-1500
Motor, BlowerHP5.07.510.
Motor, Sieve Boat HP1.
No. of FramesPCS7.